Mac OS X Alarm Clock Pro 3.7 Shareware Koingo Software,, Long past are the days of fiddling around with complicated digital alarm clocks. Alarm Clock Pro has four clearly labelled devices: Classic, Perpetual, Timer and CD Audio. Simply click on the desired alarm type, set the alarm time and youŐre off! We've all purchased those other alarm clocks which only allow you to set one ring time; Alarm Clock Pro is not one of them. The Perpetual module of the application lets you set five alarms to ring between now and December 31st, 2040. Classic, another module, allows you to set an alarm to ring once everyday, weekday or weekend for an entire week. The module entitled Timer works just like your standard kitchen timer except it doesn't require any batteries. Use MP3s, CD Tracks, live Internet audio streams and much more as your ring sound. Nevermore wake up in a grumpy mood because of your standard alarm clocks rude buzzing alert. Requires Mac OS X. AutoCompleter 1.0 Shareware Catchy Software,, AutoCompleter speeds up your typing in all Cocoa applications by completing words for you as you type. In addition, it can insert larger text blocks, such as letter heads or addresses, add dynamic information such as dates and times and execute scripts from within any text field or document. Requires Mac OS X or later. Calindock 1.2.0 Freeware Critical Matter, Inc.,, Calindock is a Mac OS X dockling that displays a monthly or daily calendar in the Dock. Users can move forward and backward through the monthly calendar via the dockling's menu. For Mac OS X or higher TheCowCatchingGame1.62 Shareware Martin Wengenmayer,, The Cow Catching Game is an OpenGL based game which runs on Mac OS X. YouŐre the pilot of an UCCO (Unidentified Cow Catching Object). Your mission is to catch as many cows as you can within 3 minutes. ThatŐs it. Wow, thatŐs really thin, but itŐs fun! ;-) Requires MacOS X. G3/G4 300 MHz with Rage 128. 0.27.b Freeware EpicWare,, Fire is an multiplatform instant messenger client based off of freely available libraries for each "service." Currently Fire handles AOL Instant Messenger communication, ICQ communication, MSN Messenger, Jabber, and Yahoo! Pager communciation. For Mac OS X and higher Firewalk X 1.3.5 Shareware Mike Vannorsdel,, Firewalk X is a configuration and maintenance utility for Mac OS X's built-in firewall. Requires Mac OS X 10.0.3 or higher. GetInfo 0.3 Freeware Gideon Softworks,, Get Info is a simple application that allows you to Set a file/folder Permissions, Change the Owner of a file/folder, Change the Group of a file/folder, and Change the Type and Creator of a file. This eliminates the need to use Terminal to perform these simple tasks. Launcher 3.0.1 Shareware Brian Hill,, Launcher is a Cocoa adaptation of the Mac OS 8.x Launcher control panel. Applications, files, and directories may be dragged onto one of the launcher panels, and new panels can also be created in a manner similar to the MacOS 8.x Launcher by creating subfolders with a prefix of "_" on their name. Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server. MacJanitor 1.0 Freeware Brian Hill,, Freeware utility to run the system's daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance scripts. Execellent for laptop users and others who shut their Macs off at night. These scripts are normally run between 3am and 5am, and will not be run if you shut off your Mac at night. This will allow log files to grow very large, and prevent system databases from getting backed up. With MacJanitor, you can run these scripts 'by hand' periodically without having to use the Terminal to keep your Mac OS X machine in top racing form. For Mac OS X. manThor 1.0 Freeware Stefan Lange-Hegermann,, manThor is a manfile viewer for Mac OS X, written in Objective-C using the Cocoa Framework. It can search inside the current manpage and display all pages of a manual. manThor acts as a service, to be accessible from inside any Cocoa application (especially For Mac OS X. OmniDiskSweeper 1.0 Shareware Omni Development, Inc.,, OmniDiskSweeper is a great tool for making space on Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server and Mac OS 9 disks. When you start OmniDiskSweeper, it presents you with a list of disks attached to your machine. You double-click on one, and a new window opens with a browser listing every file and directory on that disk, sorted by size. This is very fast for HFS+ partitions: it takes about seven seconds to process one gigabyte. UFS partitions are significantly slower. Then you browse through the files and directories, and delete the large ones that you aren't using any more. The free space on the disk and the ordering of the directories are automatically recalculated. If you aren't sure what's in a file, you can double-click it or drag it onto an app on it to open it. It's that simple! OmniWeb 4.0.1 Shareware Omni Development, Inc.,, OmniWeb is a full-featured native web browser for Mac OS X. Highly multi-threaded and written using Apple's advanced Cocoa frameworks, OmniWeb is designed to provide you with the best user experience you'll find in a web browser. Mac OS X. REALbasic Carbon 3.2.1 Demo REAL Software,, If youŐre looking to create cool looking applications but donŐt want to learn confusing C++ or Java, REALbasic is definitely the way to go. This object-oriented developmental program features a visual interface builder for easy construction of windows and menus, and provides easy to understand syntax to get your creations up and running quickly. In fact, our own Tour interface was completely built using it. Thanks guys! This latest version creates apps for MacOS, Mac OSX, and Windows (ugh!). Sharity 2.5 Demo Objective Development,, Sharity connects your Mac OS X or Unix machine to Windows and other CIFS file servers. Sharity mounts these servers in your filesystem. Mounting means that you can open files directly from the server with any application you like, as if they were on a local disk. Snapz Pro X Ambrosia Software,, A single keystroke can immediately save anything visible on screen in a wide variety of image file formats. Snapz Pro X supports saving screen images as .bmp, .pict, .gif, .jpg, .png, .tiff, .pdf, or Photoshop files, and can even record the action as a QuickTime movie! Screenshots can be scaled, cropped, color depth-changed, and dithered. Snapz Pro X can also add borders, generate automatic thumbnails, overlay watermarks/copyright notices... Space.dock 0.7 Freeware Chat dŐAveugle, Provides up to sixteen "virtual workspaces" to help you to organize your use of the desktop. Each virtual workspace becomes independent "real estate" for open applications. Tested on Mac OS X Beta TinkerTool 1.4 Freeware Marcel Bresink, Do you want to control anti-aliasing of fonts? Would you like translucent terminal windows? Do you want to have all hidden files and folders displayed in the Finder? All that and many more hidden options of Mac OS X can be activated with the TinkerTool utility. TuxRacer 0.61 Beta Develux,, Ported from the original Tux Racer for Linux available at Unsupported UtilityX 1.0b10 Beta Ryan Rempel,, This utility helps to install Mac OS X on some unsupported systems (the 7300 - 9600 series, and equivalent clones). Installation requires only 3 more clicks than a supported install. Word Service 1.5 Freeware Christian Grunenberg, This service provides several functions to modify or speak the currently selected text or to get text-statistics within all Cocoa-applications (e.g. Textedit, Mail, Stickies, Notes, Fire, OmniWeb, ProjectBuilder or TeXShop). X-Assist 0.5 Freeware Peter Li,, This simple application brings back useful features like OS 9 windowing mechanism back to OS X (where all windows are switched back when a window is clicked on, instead of just the window being clicked on, like in OS X). It also has support for an Application Menu, customizable user defined menus (like in Apple Menu), and a plugin mechanism to support 3rd party plugins (MP3 player and Volume control plugins included). X-Sounds Collection Freeware Steve Sauer,, X Sounds is a collection of mostly short sounds. They were made with the KinkyBeep 2.0.0a Macintosh synthesizer. The sounds can be used in a variety of ways. They are compatible with the Macintosh OS X operating system, so they can be used as alert beeps if installed. They can also be used in music production, with applications such as Eudora, etc. Developers can add these sounds to their programs, too.